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Sligo Rape Crisis Centre

The Team


David Madden


David Madden


My name is David Madden and I am CEO of Sligo Rape Crisis Centre. I took up this post in July 2019. My work has been in the area of voluntary-sector project management in both urban and rural settings. I started in community development in inner-city London, England, then moved to Dublin, then Kildare. For many years I ran a variety of residential and day programmes for people affected by trauma and substance misuse, with a special interest in psychotherapeutic interventions. In one residential addiction treatment centre, I helped develop it as the first of its kind to take women and their children in Ireland. I have a strong interest in how men and women recover from trauma and bring this knowledge and experience to help make the Sligo Rape Crisis Centre a safe and supportive environment for healing. 

Danielle Neely

Counselling Coordinator

My name is Danielle Neely and I began my role as the counselling coordinator here at the SRCC in 2019. My role is to help coordinate the counsellors, ensuring their workload is managed, offering support, supervision. The role includes offering professional and personal development, and specialist. I manage all clients coming to the centre for support. I meet them for assessment, provide support while on our waiting list and help transition clients into one-to-one therapy and help manage progression routes from our service. I manage our four outreach locations, along with any clients from those areas. I work with other members of our team providing workshops such as our schools consent program, creative writing workshops, yoga workshops and other one-off events for clients and professionals. Finally, I am a person-centered psychotherapist, providing helpline support, as well as one-to-one and group therapy.

Danielle Neely

Counselling Coordinator

Shauna Kelly

Project Worker

Shauna Kelly

Project Worker

My name is Shauna Kelly and I have been a project worker with SRCC since March 2020. My role involves supporting clients calling our helpline and on our waiting list, assisting the counselling coordinator, delivering consent workshops in schools, managing SRCC social media accounts and ensuring our centre is a safe and welcoming space for staff, counsellors and most importantly our clients. My background is in community work, and I have spent time working in organisations working on both a local and national level.

Ruth Clinton

Project Worker

My name is Ruth Clinton. I began as a project worker with SRCC in January 2022, after volunteering here for a year. I assist Danielle and Shauna with the administrative work of the centre and have helped to organise various events and client workshops. I am involved with the co-ordination and delivery of our school consent workshops programme. My background is in social care, visual art and music.


Ruth Clinton

Project worker


Chairman: Parvez Butt

Bernie Linnane

Sorcha Carroll

Ruth Maxwell

Blaithin Gallagher

Oonagh Monahan